Friday, 14 August 2015


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Blog 1

We all want to be noticed either by people our friends know or total strangers, It usually doesn’t matter to us because we all hunger for being noticed. I myself am a victim just as much as the next person. I don’t mind the occasional compliment on a picture I upload whether it’s on Facebook or Instagram, it makes me feel better about myself and happy that I’m actually being noticed by all these people that chose to like it. Have you ever noticed that within the three main genres; music, film and writing, we look at the artists/celebrates and are automatically admiring their beauty and fame. That my dear friends is the very start of the disease and then it starts to spread until we end up envying our closest friends. The internet is the perfect place for being noticed whether it’s a good or bad thing. Look at it this way, in everyday life whether you are at your local store, reading a magazine or cruising through the internet, you will end up having those envious thoughts in the back of your mind. “Why can’t that happen to me”, “why can’t I look that good in those clothes”. No matter how good we have it. We always want better and to be those people that everyone, including ourselves looks twice at. Instagram is the perfect place for being judged and noticed for your physical appearance. On Instagram it’s all about the most likes and the most followers you have and that makes you feel good. It’s kind of like Facebook except on there you can speak your mind, share links etc. But when you peel back those layers you get the same result, people looking to be noticed.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your opinion that social media allows people to be noticed, by both friends or strangers and that we judge and envy those who we follow. Social media allows us to let others perceive our lives in a way which we let them, we share our lives with thousands in order to show our progresses in our everyday life style. (McNeil, 2012)
    We judge others, yet get offended when they judge us. Or follow celebrities who give us unrealistic goals, which then force us to judge ourself. Judges ourself on the fact that those clothes don't look as good on me, or I'm not as pretty as her, therefore it feels as if they are a better person that yourself. We allow for the amount of followers we have to impact our self esteem and therefore social media has a superficial power over us.


    McNeill, L. (2012). Language and New Media. Linguistic, Culture and Technological Evolutions: A Genre Moves From Page To Screen. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press
